30 July 2009

If You Can Afford a Cell Phone Plan, You Can Certainly Afford Health-care

The healthcare debate is growing by the day and people are losing faith in the public plan proposed by the Obama administration.

Now the concern is people can't afford healthcare and it's too expensive. Here's something they don't want you to know?

Need healthcare now? Are you looking for a job? Did you just graduate? Waiting for coverage? Here's a novel idea, why not try Insta-care from BlueCross Blue Shield.

The benefits are great. The plan inclueds:

Hospital services, prescription drugs, medical supplies, emergency care and more covered at 80 percent (in network)
See the doctors you choose – without a referral
Well-child doctor visits to age 6 covered at 100% (whether or not you’ve met your deductible)
3 deductible and 3 out-of-pocket maximum options to meet your budget
$1 million lifetime maximum
Extras including Stop-Smoking Support and online wellness center, plus Health Guides and
Nurse Guides just a phone call away
No coverage for mental health or any preexisting conditions

All that for just, drum roll please.........................$44.67 per month!

Now get this, Our families verison cell phone plan costs $300 per month.

So now you can get healthcare without making over 50k a year.

The average family of two spends $250.00 on groceries. but you can get healthcare for $44.67.

The average state health premium rate is $200.00 a month. Now healthcare is avalable for less than $50.00 a month!

Crazy! Dear President Obama,
I think i would rather have this for $44 bucks than get your plan for free and wait for a year and have my healthcare rationed.

--Yours Truly,

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