29 April 2010


It's earlier than i originally thought, but running two blogs as one person is harder than it seems. So i will not be moving this blog over to the new one: refoundingamerica.wordpress.com

There i will carry the same stuff, same format but a little more spiced up.

28 April 2010

New Blog

I have started a new blog: refoundingamerica.wordpress.com

i will still post here for a while but eventually i will probably move this over to the new one. But check it out and this one is still here for a while.

Violent Liberal Protest

Violent Arizona immigration protest:

Crist Lies

"Republican Florida Governor Charlie Crist has decided he will run as an independent in the race to fill the Florida U.S. Senate seat, Crist allies tell Fox News. The official announcement is scheduled for Thursday at 5pm ET in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The Senate campaign has been rough and tumble for Crist, he was once the front-runner -- but in recent months began trailing his GOP opponent, former Florida State Speaker Marco Rubio.

Crist has said that under no circumstance would he drop out of the race, saying he will do what is best for the voters of Florida. The governor says Republicans in Washington want him to stay in the Republican party but voters in Florida have told him they want him to run as an independent."


So now we have Crist, essentially lying. He swore on Foxnews Sundays a few weeks ago that he would NOT run as an independent. Now we all knew it was a bullshit promise. I knew he was a weasel. Did i think it was a serious promise? No. But he at least had the gull to go on national TV, say no, and now decided, "oh well promises are meant to be broken." "Yeah i lied, but i want whats best for florida." Well a lier certainly isn't good for Florida.

I hope this ass loses. I hope he gets his lying ass kicked. The man is a traitor, a lier, and a liberal. He's for cap & trade, stimulus, bailouts, and breaking from the conservatives. And he lies. He's a liberal.

27 April 2010

AIM Survey Comment

At the end of the survey it asked me once again to give comments.

To recap the survey is based on multiculturalism. So naturally all it talks about is race and diversity, here were some more of my comments:

Once again, get over the race factor. It shouldn't matter. Who sounds more like a racist, the one who doesn't care and has friends for who they are, and not their race, or the guy who tries to find any excuse to talk about "race" "ethnicity" and "culture" for "diversity." I really do not think it is that big of a deal. We will only fully get rid of it when you guys stop yapping about race. Yes, there are Asians, African-Americans, and Hispanics and Caucasians who go to this school. What is your point? Putting the spot light on the minorities? Using all of your time to focus on race?

Race only matters to those who are racist.

More School Survey Racism

Here is question from the AIM survey. Look at how it is phrased:

"I have opportunities at this school for outings and other social experiences with students who represent different cultures."

Great, yes i do have opportunities at this school for outings and other social experiences. Oh wait, what's that? oh WITH STUDENTS WHO REPRESENT DIFFERENT CULTURES!!!! Hello!!!??? Who cares!!!! Isn't racism identifying and focusing on one's race? So then is it racist to make a claim like this? absolutely.

Seriously who is making these question? So what? I don't care. My Asian friends is just as cool and my friend, as my white friend. Only a racist goes around saying, "hey he's Asian. Yeah i have an Asian friend!" You gotta be kidding me. This survey is 100% racist. And they don't even know it.

AIM Multiculturalism Survey

My school asked me to take a Multiculturalism survey today. It mainly focused on race and inclusion of the school. So typical racists. Ranting on and on about race.

Really? Is that how we fight racism? By exploiting one's race through "diversity." "Oh he's black go get him at our school." Who's racist now?

This is total hypocrisy. At the end of the survey it asked for 'additional comments.'

So i gave the school my two cents:

Multiculturalism, in a PRIVATE institute is irrelevant. Frankly what is racism other than the exploration and promotion of one race. Through pushing multiculturalism we are being racist in focusing on race and acting like race is an important factor. Only Racists consider race. It does not good to point out ones race in an attempt to show diversity. A teacher may be african-american. So? Again, only racists consider race.

25 April 2010

Pro Boxing: Proof That Tax Cuts Pay for Themselves

Brilliant piece from the Atlantic:

The 1950s was the era of the 90 percent top marginal tax rate, and by the end of that decade live gate receipts for top championship fights were supplemented by the proceeds from closed circuit telecasts to movie theaters. A second fight in one tax year would yield very little additional income, hardly worth the risk of losing the title. And so, the three fights between Floyd Patterson and Ingemar Johansson stretched over three years (1959-1961); the two between Patterson and Sonny Liston over two years (1962-1963), as was also true for the two bouts between Liston and Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) (1964-1965). Then, the Tax Reform Act of 1964 cut the top marginal tax rate to 70 percent effective in 1965. The result: two heavyweight title fights in 1965, and five in 1966. You can look it up.

Climate Scam

Now the IPPC has warned us all that due to global warming there will be more vicious hurricanes. Katrina was the"evidence" for that claim. Now while it seems very believable based on their "facts" about katrina and strange weather patterns, perhaps it would be better to look at the actual data and not 'educated' estimates.

Now read this from the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies:

"As previously reported here and here at Climate Audit, and chronicled at my Florida State Global Hurricane Update page, both Northern Hemisphere and overall Global hurricane activity has continued to sink to levels not seen since the 1970s. Even more astounding, when the Southern Hemisphere hurricane data is analyzed to create a global value, we see that Global Hurricane Energy has sunk to 30-year lows, at the least. Since hurricane intensity and detection data is problematic as one goes back in time, when reporting and observing practices were different than today, it is possible that we underestimated global hurricane energy during the 1970s. See notes at bottom to avoid terminology discombobulation."

- So there we find out that just a few months ago we saw the fewest global hurricane activity in 30 years! So what's all the fuss about? Does Al Gore know this?

Now while the global warming alarmists are all shouting about the melting arctic, one Russian scientist had these words to say about the recent arctic activity:

UPI, Science News:

"MOSCOW, April 23 (UPI) -- A Russian scientist says the Arctic may be getting colder, not warmer, which would hamper the international race to discover new mineral fields.

An Arctic cold snap that began in 1998 could last for years, freezing the northern marine passage and making it impassable without icebreaking ships, said Oleg Pokrovsky of the Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory.

"I think the development of the shelf will face large problems,"

Read full here: http://www.upi.com/Science_News/2010/04/23/Scientist-says-Arctic-getting-colder/UPI-94431272034113/

Pokrovsky concluded, "Politicians who placed their bets on global warming may lose the pot"

Global Warming Alarmist Gets Owned

Watch below: Lord Mockton totally owns some global warming alarmist over man made climate change.

No global warming for 15 years???? Cooling for 11 years!???? Where's the warming???

"oh, uh, well yea, that's good news, uh yea, oh..."

24 April 2010

Arizona's New Immigration Law

Yesterday Arizona's governor signed into law a new bill that allowed the police to arrest people on the streets for being illegal immigrants. Now of course how would they know this? By just looking at you! By merely suspecting that, you are here illegally the police can detain you or question you until proven you are a legal citizen.

Now these "criminals" are simply people who are crossing the boarder for a better life. Since this is the case, can i then say that our ancestors are "criminals?" Why did the founders come here? Way back then when people first colonized in America were not "legal" they came for a better life.

The problem is not immigration, the problem is the welfare. They come and steal our money from the welfare entitlement programs. If we reform those programs and we reduce those, then the problems will disappear. The only other argument will be terrorist. But the reality is that the 9/11 hijackers came here legally they got visas or what ever but they got here legally. So our own government let them in. The legal process. Another "systemic failure" i suppose

But what is it about this bill? Isn't this just like the patriot act? Where if you look suspicious or are suspected of terrorist activities you can be arrested without due trial. Same thing, if you look like an illegal immigrant, you're gone.

Now i do not have enough information on this bill but that's what i know is now allowed. A patriot act type law that violates personal freedoms.

Bottom line, i think if we can reform the entitlements then the problems of "taking money" and "milking the system" which i agree they are doing, will be resolved.

This law is quite interesting and once i get more info i will come back with a stronger opinion.

Support Doug Hoffman

Last fall Doug hoffman almost upset Bill Owens in NY-23. Yet despite his loss in the special election, he now gets a second chance. This november Doug Hoffman will get another shot against Rep. Owens (D-NY).

He is one of the liberty candidates running, this fall. He is a true in and out conservative committed to freedom and the people.

But his primary challenger, Matt Doheny is gaining support from the GOP. To put it in perspective, Hoffman is for the flat tax. I truly great way to reform out tax code and a fair and productive way. Doheny says he supports lower tax rates. So it's a question of preference would you like a fair flat rate tax where it's easy, fast and equal, or do u want the same progressive income tax where those who make the most and work hard are punished, but at a lesser level?

I urge you to support Doug hoffman in NY-23 and not Matt Doheny.

Go to Hoffman's website here: http://www.doughoffmanforcongress.com/content/index.cfm/e/splash/