28 August 2009

The Free Market Solution To Reduce Energy Usage

We all can admit weather we believe in climate change or not that we should help the environment. And we as Americans, use way to much energy.

Most people will propose things like tax hikes on electricity and things like Cap-and-Trade.

An approach that i find very reasonable is one i found in the Atlantic Magazine who i give all the credit for this.

If we give to each household a bill with their energy usage and then, also with that, their neighbors energy usage to compare to it would help reduce the use of energy.

Ex: Let's say the Johnson Family got a bill saying they used x amount of energy and a list of their neighbors energy usage. So it would say something like this.

You used 25% more energy than the Coopers who used x amount of energy. Then it might say, compared to the Smiths, you used 13% less energy. Then the smiths would get something like, you used 13% more energy than the Johnson family. And so forth.

This brings some competition to bring out the green people to compete for the lowest energy usage so the result, is everyone using less energy.

Conservatives need to conserve, even energy.

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