24 September 2009

Polls Don't Matter Anymore

The Obama administration has constantly said, they don't care about the polls. To those of you who don't know what the polls say, here are the facts; Obama came into office riding a 70% approval rating. Today that number sits at 51%. Now that is a 20% drop in 10 months. That is bad. Very bad for this administration. To make thing worse, the approval for his health reform, is 39%.

Now, when you tell this to most liberals, they'll, "oh the polls don't matter. The polls are over rated. Oh no one cares about the polls. Who reads the polls?"

And when they do tell you that, look them straight in the face and tell them how it is. When George W. Bush had a 26% approval rating, that's all we heard about. "Oh look Bush dropped 12 points in the polls. Bush is now at 45%. Bush is dropping big time! Republicans suck, Bush is at a 39% approval. Ha ha Bush is at 26%." All we heard. Never heard the end of it. All they cared about was the polls. "ah ha support for the war is dropping. The polls say so."

These lefist nut jobs, are all hypocrites. We had to put up with this polls crap for 8 years, and they complain when we point out the polls?

Polls matter. How do you feel about a President who doesn't care what the American people think. He doesn't look at the polls? He doesn't listen to the people and care about the American's interest. He doesn't want to here about it when people don't support his ideas. Bush never stopped hearing about it, and you refuse to here it you coward! You may feel fine with it, I'm disgusted. He works for us. We are a nation with a government, not the other way around. I'd tell him he should read the polls more, but i'd probably be called a racist.

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