26 September 2009

Work Hard. Make Less. ~The Welfare State

Ever notice how those on welfare make a fixed income no matter what? Sure you may lose money to pay for it, but they get money no matter what. As i explained in a previous post, despite the 400% spending increase for the war on poverty, the number of people in poverty, remains the same as it was when the war was first declared, and in some cases, has increased greatly. Why? Because it's such a great temptation. Do nothing. Get money. People can't resist it.

Another thing is the monopoly the government traps you with so you stay dependent on them. So in return those who give you the best deal (even though in the long run, they are cheating you) get the vote. Here is whats troubling to me, those on the welfare state get money for not working, and we don't know what they do with it. Some try and find work, and some don't. It is not compassionate to the poor, to keep them dependent on the fed. It is far more compassionate to make them self reliant and get them back to work. Now should they get a job, or get even some success, the money is gone.

This happens in the schools system too. We give tons of money to failing schools, and if they even start be get better, the money is cut off. Why should we give money to bad schools, and punish good schools? Why not create incentive to make the bad school good? . The welfare state is a trap that is enslaving the poor. Isn't it funny how the party that claims to be 'the party of the poor' is the same party, that wants to raise taxes to keep down successful poor families, keep them out of good schools and trap them in failing schools, and keep them stuck on government checks.

But back to my original point. It is a trap. What sounds better, get up work, have to do all sorts of stressful hard thing, and get paid, or do nothing at all and get paid if you want. Oh and the other interesting thing is that the progressives, also want to tax charity gifts and limit amount donations. This is PRIVATE charity, making the government, even more appealing. Enslaving the people, limiting options, growing government, sounds a lot like the Soviet Union.

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