12 September 2009

You Lie!

On Friday night during the presidents speech on health care he made the claim that his plan would not cover illegal immigrants. Now that got a lot of response from republicans (booing) including one congressman yelling out, "You lie!"

Now the first instinct is to say it was in bad taste and rude. However once the shock is over you can't help but think, did he lie? Going to the Census report of the 46 million uninsured, which i broke down in an earlier post, it says that about 10 million of them are illegal immigrants. So now who has been talking about the 46 million. and how we need to cover the 46 million. How we need a system to take care of ALL of the 46 million uninsured. Obama. And in that number 10 million are illegal immigrants.

So yes he does lie. He wants to cover the uninsured (46 million) and they are in that. He has been lying. How ever, notice he changed that number of uninsured to about 30 million. Hmmm. The senate is now working on eliminating that provision that covered illegal immigrants. For the record that in it self proves that he was lying.

I can't wait for the public option. I've heard it will be as efficient as the Post Office.

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