27 March 2010

Is Obama Dictatorial?

Over the weekend the health care bill passed, with Stupak support. The president agreed to find an executive order banning federal funs for abortion and restricting certain abortions under provisions in the bill.

Now Roe V. Wade is now rearing its head into this. Roe V. Wade says that woman have a right to abortions. They are legal. That is constitutional, the law of the land. So now Obama, decides “oh no, I’m just gonna sign an executive order, and completely override Roe V. Wade.” So with the stroke of a pen he has violated the law of the land, and it’s perfectly ok. This congress, if the president now has the power to sign a piece of paper and override the constitution and overrule the law of the land, this congress has created dictator. This is exactly what our founders broke away from. This president has become a King.

We are no longer a constitutional republic; we’ve known that for a while now. But I never imagined it would come to this. I knew he would be radical. I knew he was going to be socialist. But a dictator? Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine such a thing to happen.

If this president gets away with this, if he can usurp the law like this, and no one challenges him on this, we are in big trouble. So just sit back and watch your country wash away. Your voice doesn’t matter any more. That’s what congress just told you, “sit down, and shut up! We’re in control!”

Blogging from high above the twin cities in mid-town st. paul, welcome to the USSA.

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