06 March 2010

On The Coffee Bagger Movement


SO recently, i've read in blog threads and heard on the radio, about this new 'Coffee Bagger' movement.


This is a progressive, counter movement to the Tea Party movement. Uh, this, i have to say, is the best thing that has happened in politics, for the right wing, in a long time. I thought the economy, and the soaring unemployment would do it, no. This is fantastic.

This is basically, all the progressives, who are so critical of the 'tea baggers' and think they are loud angry racists, they're are saying, "look ya know it worked for them, maybe, maybe we should try to create a bagger movement." Now, first, is this then, an Astro-Turf movement? Nancy Pelosi? Is this astro-turf? A fake movement that was deisgned not to support anything and certainly didn't rise up from the 'grass roots' but was simply made up on the spot and just came out of nowhere like that.

This is great. I hope this gets bigger. It will just show that the left is giving in. They are desperate. That is what is comes down to. The left is desperate. Why else would they attempt a protest style activist movement to try and gain votes. Because they have run out of options.

Second, is this not the left, conceding? They know the Tea Party is effective, so they try their own, thus giving in to the Tea Party style protests. Copying the right's strategy. This is like the two kids in school who have to build some sort of device for say science class. And the one is very critical of the other's. "What a stupid idea! That'll never work! You suck!" Then when the due date rolls around and all of the kids are showing their device, the one kids, the critical one, has the exact same design as the other who was initially so critical of! "Well maybe, it does work. I thought i'd give it try."

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