08 March 2010


Today democratic Congressman Eric Massa officially resigned due to an 'ethics violation.'

Yet was this the true reason he "resigned." And why so quickly? Well of course he faced massive pressure from fellow democrats. Gee I wonder why.

On his weekly radio show yesterday he explained:

“I was set up for this from the very, very beginning," this is very revealing, yes please do tell me more, "You think that somehow they didn’t come after me to get rid of me because my vote is the deciding vote in the health care bill? Then, ladies and gentlemen, you live today in a world that is so innocent as to not understand what’s going on in Washington, D.C.”

Mkay so this is a democrat. Alright, so a democrat, one of the Stupak democrats i suppose, or just a democrat who, wasn't gonna vote for this bill. So the democrats, threw him out. No Eric Massa did not resign due to a massive ethics violation, the dems could care less about ethics, trust me. He was instead shoved out the door and sent packing due to his stance on the health care bill. The dems sacrificed one their own, for a vote.

So now, New York has to decide, do we want a special election, or not? Do we want to face another election debacle and give the 'Nos' one more vote, or do we wait until fall, and while we don't get another vote, they also don't get another vote. So either way, they will not get another vote. They lose that vote. BUT the bad side is, now the communists, only need 216 votes to pass it! So in other words, instead of trying to reform politics in Washington and come up with some sort of "compromise" (which the left seems to like to do) they start hacking away and cheating their way to victory. In short, Obama has not changed Washington, but instead escalated politics to its worst it has ever been. So much for hope and change.

This is the time, when we will see the full arm come slamming down from the left, as they need a few more votes, and our nation as we know it will begin on a downward spiral.

The democrats have bribed for votes, they have lied for votes, and now they have sent their own party members packing for the vote.

Massa finally made this scaling remark about Rahm Emanuel, “He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive.”

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