31 March 2010


Remember back when Nancy Pelosi told us that we needed to pass Obamacare so we could see what's inside of it?

Well SURPRISE!!! The New York Time today did some actual reporting for a change and came out with the following exposures of some interesting little provisions in the obamacare bill.

[ * A new federal mandate on businesses of 51 or more employees to provide a private area (not a bathroom) for nursing mothers to pump breast milk for up to a year after giving birth. This means that businesses have to plan for mainly unused floor space in every facility, or face federal sanctions.
* Tanning salons now have to charge a 10% excise tax on their services. That should help the local economies!
* W-2s must now declare “informationally” the value of health-care benefits. This means that W-2s will become even more complicated and will cost businesses billions each year in extra accounting and reporting, which will hit smaller businesses most. ]

Wow. Even tanning salons are now regulated in some way by the federal government...

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