30 March 2010

My Morning At The Post Office

Well where do i begin. I went to the post office this morning because i needed to renew my passport. So i reluctantly took a trip to the PO where i entered into, big surprise, a lengthy line. Fortunately it went somewhat quick, but when it came time to me to do my thing, i was asked a question regarding paper work. I said i already did it, they were flustered by this and told me wait over where someone would they there right away to help while they dropped papers and sorted through things scrambling to do something. After what seemed like forever of waiting for the "help" someone finally came. One of the people i was with finally blurted out "some time today please!"

So i got picture taken and was standing in line to get my stuff mailed away when i was told i need this. Oh ok, now i need that, then i needed this again. "oh that doesn't work, no you need this." How's this? "nope that one, sure ok." Just then, someone came from the back room to the register next to me and said "so they aren't working?" and the person there said "no they aren't working, and they're slow." Ok well we'll try and get em fixed eventually." How reassuring.

After more waiting i finally mailed off my thing and was paying, after of course getting a full lecture about how i was going to pay. The person at the register next to me was still telling, well i guess she thought that they were jokes. So she would say things like "ah well if you get this it will arrive by Thursday, or around thursday at least, i don't really know when, they aren't that accurate." And i'm thinking, this is the government?

Broken machines, long lines, unorganized, and inaccurate and unreliable services. Good God almighty. If this is just the post office, then i can't wait to see Obamacare.

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