04 March 2010

Progressivism At Its Best

This is an excerpt from an argument i got into last week about the Patriot Act:

[The Patriot Act is necessary to safeguard the lives of American citizens and stop domestic terrorism. Many people are ignorant of this, but there are many, many Islamic radicals every year who attempt terrorist attacks here but are stopped literally hours before they are able to by brave men and women who are willing to do what's right. This includes torturing, wiretapping, and other methods you find "unconstitutional." The people that we're dealing with are quite different from your redcoats. They don't care about our laws, our rules, so why should we? We have to adapt to the enemy and stop them at all costs.]

Now what comes to my mind after reading this? Progressive. One word. only a progressive, remember a progressive, or rather the progressive movement is all about moving beyond our founding principles. The same rhetoric, "Oh that was a long time ago. Oh they don't know what they are talking about. Oh that, that's two words, In Dependence. Let's move beyond the constitution, progress past the bill of rights." Now when he says, that it (patriot act) is necessary and says that in order to have security we need to give up liberty, and do things like "torturing, wiretapping and other methods you find unconstitutional." Are you sure this is a Republican talking? Uh, the friends was in fact a Republican, although he is a big George W. Bush supporter, so he is not exactly a conservative or freedom guy yet a Republican none the less. So this means, 'oh forget the constitution, who needs that old thing we need security.' Now this is some one who once in order to win an argument made all of his points from the constitution, such as states rights, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, right to bare arms etc. He seemed to find the constitution very useful then. But then when it comes to right to a fair trial no matter what, or the freedom to be secure in your houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, oh well maybe it's not so great after all.

And this person calls me a flip flopper. This guy is a total squish. This just strengthens my view that the 'big tent' Republican party, is a little too big, if we can have radical progressives in it.

"They don't care about our laws, so why should we?"

Translation, they are a select group of people, not an entire nation, and we should thus completely burn our laws to fight them. We don't need laws. Freedom can be curbed for this good intention. Freedom isn't important anymore.

I mean, i don't really know how to respond to that. "They don't care about our laws, so why should we?" That is, it basically means our laws are irrelevant now days. We don't need the constitution, the government can do what ever it decides is right. A very progressive thing.

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” - Benjamin Franklin

That is liberty, that is freedom. That is standing up for we the people and the rights of the individual.

"things you consider unconstitutional...is necessary."
--That is Saul Alinski.

That is the face of tyranny. Something our founders ran from and now, we are re-enslaved by a powerful force.

It's funny that the same person who once said "Thomas Jefferson was a true conservative [...] Thomas Jefferson was right [...] well according to Thomas Jefferson, that government is best which governs least, so there. Take that!"

Then when i say that back to him (that government is best which governs least) he answers; "Yeah, yeah i've heard that before, the founders weren't always right.

He's A PROGRESSIVE!!!! And he has the gull to call me a flip-flopper.

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