22 December 2009

Breaking News: Global Warming Causes East Coast Snow Blizzards!

Today Climate Progress's Joe Romm came out and blamed this weekends snow blizzards in which D.C. got buried in 18 inches of snow, on global warming.

Yes massive amounts of snow, the record cool temperatures this summer and fall and huge blizzards this month are caused by global warming.

Ever notice how climate drones always say whenever you mention these cool temps, they always say "well global warming causes weird and cool weather patterns."

No it doesn't. That's a lame bull crap excuse for why it isn't happening. They tried this in the 70s when everyone was yapping about global cooling, they'd tell ya "well global cooling causes strange and warm weather patterns." Now it's global warming.

This is the biggest excuse i've ever herd. Ok so the earth has been cooling for 10 years, this summer broke hundreds of cool temperature records across the country, and this fall, and now huge record breaking snow fall, it's all because of global warming?!?!? Wrong! Come up with a better excuse! No one buys it!

This is a list of all the things these climate drones like Romm have blamed on global warming:

* Excessive heat
* Excessive cold
* Droughts
* Floods
* Warm winters
* Cold winters
* Hot summers
* Cold summers
* Autumns with great foliage colors
* Autumns lacking foliage colors
* Lack of snow
* Abundance of snow

Sow what ever the weather the eco freaks have stacked the deck for global warming.

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