13 December 2009

Lieberman Slams Obamacare

Today the Hufpo reports that Sen. Joe Lieberman has declared that he will not vote with the democrats on Obamacare. Now Reid needs a Republican to cross lines to pass this, that is assuming all 58 democrats stay on their side.

“Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) informed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) in a face-to-face meeting on Sunday that he will vote against a health care bill that includes a public option or a provision that would expand Medicare, a Democrat Senate aide tells the Huffington Post.

The two Senators had a discussion in Reid’s office shortly after Lieberman appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday morning. The Connecticut Independent discussed with Reid some of his concerns about the legislation, elaborating on issues he had raised during the show. According to the source, who was briefed on the exchange, Lieberman punctuated the discussion by telling the majority leader directly that he would vote against the bill if the Medicare buy-in and public option provisions remained in it.”


1 comment:

  1. It's nice to see Joe is pulling for those of us who want the individual mandate taken out of it /sarcasm.
