17 January 2010

Crist V. Rubio In Florida

I thought i was gonna come on here and endorse someone. Then i visited their websites and researched both candidates. I looked at their 'issues' section. I can't tell the difference.

Frankly either one would be a good strong senator and representative of freedom and the conservative movement. Yet the one thing that stuck out was the track records. While Crist has beem a huge tax cutter and vetoer of pork bills in Florida, he did support the sociali- uh, stimulus bill in last February and has shown support for things such as Cap-and-Trade, and he has until lately been opposed to off-shore drilling.

So who does Culvers endorse? The current Gov. Crist, a conservative, or a the Tea Party candidate Rubio? Truth is, either one. The decision then comes to social issues. Crist is anti-gay marriage, as is Rubio. Crist and Rubio are both pro-life, and Rubio supports the death penalty. I believe Crist also does.

So then, what is it exactly that has people so anti crist? I don't get it. They are both strong, effective conservatives who have both said they would strongly support the other should they other get the nomination.

So really, i come out here to still delay an endorsement. But do not split down on them. Otherwise the Dem will surely win.

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