25 January 2010

Point & Counter Point

Here is another one of my many arguments with a liberal who doesn't know anything.

Lib: ...i think, ya know if you look at where we were, at the end of 2008, and where we are now, at the end of 2009, we are much better off. Obama has done a wonderful job so far.

(at this point i am questioning weather this guy has every read or seen one piece of news in this guys life.)

Me: Really, you think that?

Lib: Oh yeah, i mean he took a bad economy,

Me: Mhmm oh yeah, sure

Lib: Yup, that he inherited an-

Me: Oh yes, let's go with the blame game, mhmm

Lib: , that he inherited and he has done a really good job turning it around i think.

Me: Oh so like inheriting a 7.6% unemployment rate, and now what is, oh yeah, 10%.

Really great job huh?

Lib: Well i think ya know it's been hard, and he has struggled a little turning things around-

Me: Whoa wait a minute, you just said he has done a great job turning it around and now you're telling me he has struggled? Make up your mind.

Lib: Well it's hard but he is doing a great job.

Me: mmm how so?

Lib: Well unemployment is humming along and that's getting better-

Me: Wait, wait, wait, i just told you that unemployment was at 10%, up from the 7.6% he inherited and you're saying that it is getting better?

Lib: Um, i think that-

Me: Exactly, you have no idea how that works do you. You know he hasn't done anything.

We have lost 3.5 million jobs under him, and haven't created 100,000.

Lib: Well let's move on to the budget a minute and see how that's working, uh he-

Me: Oh sure let's change the subject, ok. Go ahead, tell me about the budget.

Lib: Well he inherited a 1 trillion dollar debt that...

Me: (while he is talking) oh yep see there you go again, notice the blame tactics

Lib: ...and he is making the debt smaller, he campaigned on cutting the debt in half.

Me: Oh

Lib: Yeah so by those standards he is doing quite well and i think that he will continue to shrink out debt, and he may even balance the budget.

Me: (Name) listen to me, you know, absolutely nothing about the economy. If you knew anything about it, you would know that we now have a 4 trillion dollar debt. You would know that Obama is spending at a rate, 4 times what Bush ever spent.

We have a 12 trillion dollar deficit, i don't know what it was under Bush but i know for a fact it was not nearly that high. I believe it was around 3 trillion.

So i mean, wha-what are you talking about? He's helping ease the debt? He's made it four times worse!

Lib: I think he will balance the budget an-

Me: Alright, you don't-

Lib: This is all to stimulate the economy and we will see the effects

Me: alright you're not, you don't i think you are widely misinformed. You have no concept of money and no nothing about the debt. He is spending us to death with his massive budget-

Lib: Well what about those spending cuts he made last spring?

Me: Those my friend, were not cuts. Those, *sigh* oh god, those accounted for about half of one percent of the budget.

Lib: Ok so what do you think about the recent election and all the Health Care stuff?

Me: Alright this is very interesting. Um so i give you a topic, you can't answer, you lose, and then you jump ships, "oh what about the debt?" Then i beat you there, and now it's "What about health care?" Do you really want to keep going down this list until i beat everything on it?

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