07 January 2010

On Dodds Resignation

As most of you by now have heard, Sen. Chris Dodd, (D-CT) will not be seeking re-election this fall. Now some people are distraught by his decision, some of us are happier than ever. But why exactly did he choose not to run?

My theory is some Obama administrator, perhaps Rahm or some one, talked to him, and told him the obvious. It is pretty much common knowledge now that Dodd will get killed in november. The polls have him down by double digits and his constituents have been trying to bring him down since the banking melt down in 2007.

So now, you have the Obama administration telling him NOT to run because he will get creamed. So they don't want it to look like the Democrats getting thrown out. So Dodd is given a soft cushion to get out of the election.

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