26 January 2010

State Of The Union Preview

Tomorrow the President will give his State of the Union address at night. Now i cannot trust the mainstream media to give fair coverage. "When i here him speak, i just get a thrill up my leg."--MSNBC's Chris Mathews.

So it is very important that we understand the point of this address. It has been a year since Obama has taken office, and i do not recognize this country. A year later and i do not see the same America i grew up in.

The progressives and uber left, are slowly destroying our nation and beginning the 'fundamental change' of our country. But they have a problem. What they did not expect was the millions of Americans coming out of their homes to protest their radical agenda. We the people are not standing for this, and are silent no more. We spoke out at the town halls over the summer which i believe the democrats did not expect.

It has been a very unsuccessful first year for Obama, but is that going to stop him from acting like everything is fine? Of course not.

Here is what will happen, first, he will blame Bush. He will try to blame him as much as possible. He will talk about what he inherited and create a distraction from what he has done, which is worse. Then he will talk about the stimulus and economic recovery. He will act as though the stimulus saved the economy and what would have happened had we not passed it.

I know what was suppose to happen. Unemployment would hit 9%. It is 10% with the stimulus.

Tomorrow he will avoid job losses, of which we have had 4 million of this year, and instead lie about the stimulu's few thousand jobs created and say somewhere around 1 million.

Next he will blame republicans on health care. He will try and single out the 'Tea Baggers' as he calls them. He will attack them left and right.

Obama will surely target the blue dogs and try harder to bride them into voting for Obamacare and continue to ignore other ideas other than his, Reids, and Pelosi's.

That seems small, but it will be deadly. This will be like a 1940s Germany speech. He will talk about social justice, blame and target the opposition and indite politics and partisan games into the issues. He will of course use this time to shoot missals at Fox News, the Chamber of Commerce, and Rasmussen Reports.

I am terrified for this speech, but it is important for all of you to hear for your selves, and see the re-enslaving of our nation.

From Maple Wood, in Study Hall, good afternoon America.

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