31 January 2010

Draft Larry Kudlow For New York

Many New Yorkers agree: it would be difficult to find a federal legislator as bad as US Senator Chuck Schumer. Schumer is personally responsible for much of the bad policy that led to the economic melt down of the United States. He stands firmly in favor of health care reform that is bad for New Yorkers. He supports a tax on banks that is poison for the Empire State. And now, petty bully Schumer is muscling members of his own party, pretending only he may decide who can and cannot run against his hand puppet, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.

Until Scott Brown was elected to the US Senate by the loopy liberals in Massachusetts, nobody thought it was possible to beat Schumer. Now the game has changed.

There is one potential candidate to oppose Schumer, whose campaign coffers already contain more than $30 million. New York Tea Party leaders are talking up the potential candidacy of CNBC commentator and former Reagan advisor Larry Kudlow. A graduate of the University of Rochester, Kudlow also worked for New York's legendary Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. As one of the architects of the Reagan tax-cuts that sparked one of the greatest economic booms in modern times, he is recognized as a leading anti-tax supply side economist. The thoughtful, well-spoken and original analyst is one of the most effective debaters on the Right.

New York deserves a better Senator than Chuck Schumer - far, far better. Help us convince Larry Kudlow to enter the Senate race; please enter your information here to join the Draft Kudlow Committee.

Let's deliver Chuck Schumer his own Scott Brown. Nobody deserves it more.

contact: info@draftkudlow.com

So sign the petition by following this link: http://www.draftkudlow.com/index.php and get Kudlow to run and throw our Schumer.

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