09 January 2010

Point & Counter Point

I have gotten in a numerous amount of arguments with people throughout my life, and i feel that some are just to priceless to not share.

Here is one of them. This one is on, To Big To Fail

Me: Ok so let me try and make this easy for you, well first of all why, what do you think about all of these bailouts?

Leftist: well it's better than your way which would be to let them die. Markets and insurance just want to kill of companies. And-

Me: Alright, so let's say some one gets an F on everything they do, at a pay-to learn school (private) and yeah that's all they ever get is Fs nothing else. Should that person flunk out? In like college should they flunk out?

Leftist: They do all the time, bu-

Me: Oh they do, do they? And why is that?

Leftist: because they have to meat certain standards-

Me: And what happens when they don't meat those standards?

Leftist: they fail-

Me: Exactly, now how is that different from companies going under? If the company doesn't provide then it goes under. Same thing, larger scale. Companies compete, some win some lose. No one is too big to fail.

Leftist: Um well it's not the same, but you're just shouting and what ever.

--Case Closed--

Culver's: 1 Leftists: 0

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