22 January 2010

The Downword Spiral Of Obamacare

"Maybe we do need to take this time — look, it didn't work, this process — and say ‘Look, I want all of us to take a month,’”

“It isn't as if you'll have nothing to do around here. There's a lot of other issues that could fill up the time of the Congress while we sat down and see if there wasn't some way to resolve these differences and come up with a health care bill."

“It's going to take that kind of leadership maybe to invite all of us … (to) take a breather for a month, six weeks and quietly go back and say, ‘Look, the door's open again it has been open. Do you got some ideas on how we can get this right?'"

Those quotes today were brought to you from our liberal friends, Senator Chris Dodd, a democrat.

This is just a few of the many surrender notices from democrats on health reform since Tuesday nights election in Massachusetts.

Yesterday i told you about democrat Evan Bahy backing off from Obamacare. You saw Nancy Pelosi back off, and you saw Jim Webb, and other congressman and senators back off.

This is a massive blow to their radical progressive agenda. They know it, they see the writing on the wall. Blue dogs are running away from this bill, the house is rejecting the senate bill everyday, and the senate is slowly seeing that they need a break from this.

This, is not just a step back on health "reform." It is a demise and downward spiral of health "reform."

And who began this? Oh just a few angry racist old people from Massachusetts. Some call them extremists, some call them 'tea-baggers.' But i refer to them as, the American People. Yet no matter the name, the tea party movement, that is suppose to be an 'astro-turf' racist joke full of old cooks, has successfully altered an outcome in a senatorial election. The Tea Party Movement shoved a massive wrench in the revolving door of Obamacare that now has democrats pushing to get out.

Can you here us now Washington D.C.?

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