17 November 2009

Arizona's 15th District

On recovery.gov, it is reported that 30 jobs have been created in the 15th district of Arizona.

Great right? Oh wait, there is just one problem. There is no 15th district in Arizona.

Arizona only has eight congressional districts. So why then does recovery.gov say that there is $34 million spent in Arizona's 86th district?

Check out Connecticut's 42nd district where 25 jobs have been created. Not surprisingly, there is no 42 congressional district.

The Washington Examiner says that there are over 60,000 jobs created in districts that don't exist.


  1. You leave out that Democrat Dave Obey harshly criticized the administration and called for more transparency. Then the conservatives followed.

  2. i assume that this was meant to be posted on the other post "Rep. Obey's So What" or i guess it could go for this one since he was a key writer of the stimulus.
