30 November 2009

On The Drive By, Radio Station

It’s one of my favorite songs (still which is amazing because most of the people who “loved” it at first don’t anymore), it’s a best seller, it has been on iTunes top 10 since it came out, it’s ‘Party in the USA’ by Miley Cyrus.

Now this was a great song, about American and a normal down to earth life which should be seen as one big ‘party.’ However while some fans really enjoyed the song and actually got into it, the record company thought it was a good chance to make some cash. So they called up their good friend, the radio station, and got them to play the hell out of it. Soon it was the biggest song of the month and everyone liked it. Yes it was a party on the air-waves and teens everywhere wanted it played.

That was until the radio stations took out their guns and drove by and shot up the song. Now, just a mere three months after its release people are already starting to drop it. And why? It’s a great song. For the same reason all modern music trackers go down in flames, it gets old. And because it is “old” and “overplayed” the “fans” don’t want it anymore, and then later the next single will come out, but until then, they will be forced to listen to what was once, their “favorite” song.

Who even remembers ‘Show Stopper’ anymore? Want to know why? Oh because it’s three years old and apparently because they haven’t come out with anything big since, and that’s too old and boring (after three years) no one likes it.

Now let me inform you, that the band ‘Judas Priest’ went on their last tour about two years ago. And the first time they went on tour was in the 80s. And, they were awesome. No they didn’t come out with anything new or fancy to sell a plastic disc, they were in it, for the music. Not for the profit and “fans”. Twisted Sister went on their last and final tour a few years ago. In an interview with Dee Snider he said;

“we’re not going on, with the intent of landing a new record, we play the old stuff, dress up like the old days and give em an old school show, ‘cause that’s what they want. All the fans they want to see it one more time, and all the news fans, they want see what it was like from what they heard it was like.”

That is the attitude we need. Making music for the fans and playing with passion, not coming out with a pointless single about America that’s going to end up standing before the record company’s ‘death panel’ and eventually get assassinated by the radio stations and dropped by the “fans.” It’s stupid, because the radio stations have already killed ‘Party in the USA.’ It’s dead. It didn’t take much. All it took was a few weeks of publicity, the right stations to play it and the right “fans” to get sucked in. And in the end, the stations and record companied made millions off that hit. If I play it in the hall way at school, I already know the reaction. “Wow max you still like that song.” “It’s getting old.” Really, after three months, then the fact that I still listen to Kiss’s ‘Rock n’ Roll All Night’ whooo don’t even go there.

Overplaying a song, is the worst thing for the song. If you want to make it last and meaningful then you don’t let the radios over play it. But for most, it’s too late. The radio stations everywhere killed Party in the USA.

I figured it would only be a matter of time, before people got bored of it. And that was the intent. To make a good song bad, all so they could make some money and move on to the next song to make money off of by overplaying it, and publicizing it.

This is the drive by radio station. I refer to it as that because like in this situation, it is like a drive by shooting. They roll up to the concert, or song or whatever, and do an all out assault on that album or song. Only their studio or station are the guns. Then they “kill” the song and no one listens to it anymore, (pocket some money in the process) and move on down the street to the next album. Taylor Swift is big because the record companies and radio stations knew they could make some money off her. Just wait and see in two years, if people like Taylor Swift as much.

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