16 November 2009

Terrorist Trial

The dumbest idea ever. They are warriors and foreign enemies. KSM was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. And now you bring him back to new york? to be given what a "fair" trial.

People will say, oh he deserves to be treated like a citizen, people like Ayers get trials. Yeah here is the difference, Ayers is a US citizen. The trade center bombers were tried because they were caught in the states. KSM and others were captured on foreign soil. Not in the US. Nor are they US citizens, so why should they be given trials in New York.

If they get let off, the orchestrators of 9/11, if they get off, it would be the democrats Waterloo.

This is a terrible idea. Keep terrorists in GITMO.

How does this look to the other terrorists still out on the battle field. Obama is weakening our defense as we speak. Breaking News: USA Soft On Terrorists. Next thing ya know, another attack on the US. And then, the democrats are finished.

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