05 November 2009

On Government In Health Care

When did it become the government's job to provide health care? This is a serious question that all should think about. Government by its very nature, is a monster. It is a powerful force that destroys anything it touches. But luckily our government is chained up and restrained by the US constitution. This constitution gives us freedom by limiting government. It gives it specific jobs and only those jobs. Some of those jobs include, providing freedom, upholding freedom, security and protection laws, and protection through a national defense, and various infrastructure such as building roads, setting up a mail system, setting up a court system and a few other things. Basically to regulate an anarchy.

No where in the constitution does it give the government the power to run businesses, health care, or other people. If you can't trust the state government than how on earth can you trust the federal government. Take the state of Hawaii, they had government health care, for seven months, before it became unsustainable and closed private health insurance. And the system was bankrupt, people exploited the system, and premiums shot up. And this is just one state, one small state of Hawaii. If they can't even get it right, then how can you expect a massive federal government to do it? Government's intentions to do good things are not good enough. Oh they mean to do good by insuring people, to "help". Well if i have a gun aimed just right of your head, now my INTENTION is not to shoot you but oh well i slipped or got bumped oops look at that sorry. You see. Intention is nothing unless you actually get it right.

More to come later.

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