03 January 2010

On Health Reform

Here is a great post i came across on the Patriot Caucus Social Network site on health reform:

Ok, the reform for health care is very easy and does not need to be put into a 2,000 page liberty killing bill. First, tort reform. Stop these insane lawsuits. However, who are one of the biggest donors besides Unions to the democrats? you guessed it the lawyers. Second fix is allowing the 1700 insurance companies in America to freely sell insurance in any of the 50 states. This would create true competition. If one insurance company is pricey you now have 1699 other ones to buy into. Finally, keep the government out of it. Everything the Government touches it ruins. Look at it this way. The government comes in and says to an insurance company and doctors that they must do these 10 tests by law no matter what. Well you come walking in and talk to your Doctor and feel that you only really need five of the ten tests. Well that can't happen cause the Doctor and insurance company are mandated by the government. So now your insurance company has to pay for 10 tests not the five you just wanted. That will increase your premiums. The decision on what tests and medicines you take and get should be between you and the doctor. Those are three of the simplest things that can be done to fix the health care system.


  1. So in order to explain comprehensive health care reform which would completely change the way we live as a nation, one with specific rules based on the requirements of different states, one with different information for Americans of different demographics and age ranges ... you think this should all fit into a glossy 24-page pamphlet?

  2. but when only 12 million who truly have no access to health care, should this really been changing our lives in such a drastic way? Are the rules you are talking about all constitutional?
