27 October 2009

The Copenhagen treaty Is No Virtue

About 45 years ago words were spoken, that were never more right, then they are now. They need to be heard no more then ever.

"Let me remind you also, that moderation, in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
--Barry Goldwater 1964 RNC acceptance speech

This is a pledge all government officials should take. Politicians need to look back at this and the constitution, and see how much they've fucked things up. This goes for both the left and right.

Once this copenhagen treaty is signed by our Commander-in-Cheese Obama, we will be forced to abide by the laws of this treaty, and cannot leave unless voted out. Which given the other countries, will never happen.

We are founded on independence and isolationism. This is a direct contradiction of that. We are giving up our freedom and independence for a UN type anti-american styled group that does nothing productive.

When this is signed, and it will be signed, you can kiss the sovereign nation of America good bye.

This treaty is extremism, and is being signed to moderate the world in order to seek justice to fight climate change.. Giving up freedom for a political cause, moderation, in the pursuit of justice. Something i believe to be no virute


  1. Progress. That's what it is. The only reason that we've seen progress in things like solar energy, green energy, wind energy and alternative fuels is because of public policy. Its by design. Ya, independence is great. It's american. Which is why being independent from foreign energy and oil is exactly what we need. We don't get any raw materials from within the country anymore. And the morons will say Drill here and drill now! What idiots. It shows just how stupid the conservative base is. OPEC manipulates the price of oil. We effectively had a gas tax when the oil prices skyrocketed in 2004 and as a result Americans used less gas, and saw progress within the auto industry in miles per gallon ratios. So what did OPEC do? They reduced the supply to keep prices up. So how about we tax the shit out of gasoline and use that money to invest in alternative energy? Shoot! That might lead to Americans using less gas and innovating and gaining some independence -- is that not American? How about choice, is that not American? What if we had gas stations that offered different alcohol based fuels, ethanol, electricity, and gasoline all as choices and your car could use any of them? Brazil's government announced that they would be switching all vehicles to flex-fuel, and within 3 years 90% of the vehicles on the road were flex-fuel compatible. That's progress. And you won't see it without government intervention, in part because the gas and energy companies have bought up all of the rights to the technology. They don't want to see innovation or progress that would compete with their product. Now that's American.

  2. "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." -Jefferson

  3. The conservative base is energy independence. It's the liberals who won't let us drill. And you gave a sad ass excuse for why we can't drill by simply calling those people idiots and stupid. Ironic since in another post you commented "Trying to argue against an issue by personally attacking is childish."

    You liberal sissies stole nergy independence to your platform. i agree with your statement that we should use solar and wind power etc. But why can't we refine? shouldn't we make energy cleaner instead of keeping it full of pollutants to contribute to "global warming?"

    Ah Jefferson. Nice. So now you're a libertarian?

  4. I said more than that. We can't drill because OPEC makes us drilling useless. The prices won't be touched. We drill more and they drill less. We drill less and they drill more. They manipulate the supply. It won't make a difference if we drill at home.

  5. and the point is we get screamed at for touching taxes. Even in the name of progress.
