31 October 2009

Eliminating a Tax Cut

When talking about raising taxes, Nancy Pelosi made the comment, that it is not raising taxes, it is eliminating a tax cut. This is referring to the Bush tax cuts, which the Obama administration is going to let expire in 2010.

But here is the truth: in 1999 people making $60,000 a year, paid $16,000 in income tax. under the bush tax cuts, they paid $9000 in income tax so when the bush tax cuts expire, people making 60k will pay 16k in taxes again. Now i don't know how good your math is, but last time i checked, 16,000 is more than 9,000. That is an INCREASED rate from 9,000. And even if Obama cuts that down to lets say 12,000 $$ and says "look a 4,000 cut," it's still 3,000 more than they were paying. a 3 thousand dollar INCREASE.

Increase-to become progressively greater (as in size, amount, number, or intensity)
--Merriam Webster Dictionary.

So to stop the tax cut which is at a rate of 9,000 dollars in taxes, would make the tax rate of those making 60,000 dollars per year progressively greater in amount, to 16,000 dollars.

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