24 October 2009

Stimulus Tracker: Is That It?

Earlier this week i said that 49/50 states have lost jobs since the stimulus was enacted and how it has hurt jobs and basically done the opposite of what it was suppose to do.

One person then made the claim that there was still a ton more left to be spent of the stimulus. My reaction to that was "Good God, there's more!?"

Now congress is trying very hard to make the stimulus look like it's working but with the total jobs created vs. jobs lost, they are running out of excuses.

Now on Thursday chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers Christina Romer spoke to congress about the stimulus for an update and said:

"Most analysts predicted a fiscal stimulus will have its greatest impact on growth. In the second and third quarters of 2009. And by mid 30. Fiscal stimulus will likely be contributing little. To further growth."

now the 3rd quarter ended on Spet. 30 when we lost record amounts of jobs. So this is pretty much all the stimulus is going to do.

So my claims are right, the stimulus has killed jobs in 49/50 states, hasn't helped much with the economic recovery (what did was the economic theory; the harder the fall the quicker the rise). Now the idea that since not all of it had been spent so more growth will come apears to be just a fantasy.

Hmmm, falling markets, 9.6 unemployment, and 1 trillion on the debt. Put this down for one of the biggest wastes of tax payer money.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Note each job cost about 75,000 $$. for $50,000 jobs.
