15 October 2009

Wait Isn't The Ice Suppose To Be Melting?

Right. Of course it is. Global Warming is destroying us all. The ice is melting, the ice is melting. Or is it?

12 Oct 09 – “As a Colorado Rockies playoff game is snowed out, scientists report that Arctic sea ice is thickening and Antarctic snow melt is the lowest in three decades,” says this article on Fourwinds10.com.

“It seems that ice at both poles hasn't been paying attention to the computer models.”

A summary of summer sea-ice conditions released last week by the National Snow and Ice Data Center reported a substantial expansion of second-year ice (ice thick enough to have persisted through two summers of seasonal melting). Second-year ice this summer made up 32% of the total ice cover on the Arctic Ocean, compared with 21% in 2007 and 9% in 2008.

Full article: http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/environment/weather_and_climate/news.php?q=1255539831

1 comment:

  1. Global warming contributes to more extreme temps, Max. It's part of the theory.
