22 October 2009

Will America's Real Fascists Please Stand Up

Yes that means you speaker Pelosi. Senator Reid get up. Excuse me Senator Franken i said "will America's real fascists please stand up." So i would advice getting up on your feet.

Ah yes. As a conservative I've heard it before. I'm a fascist. Hitler, was a "right winger" and the nazis were racist conservatives. So because i vote republican, i am a fascist.

Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state.[7] Fascist governments forbid and suppress openness and opposition to the government and the fascist movement.[8] Fascism opposes class conflict, blames capitalist liberal democracies for its creation and communists for exploiting the concept.[9]

In the economic sphere, many fascist leaders have claimed to support a "Third Way" in economic policy, which they believed superior to both the rampant individualism of unrestrained capitalism and the severe control of state communism.[10][11] This was to be achieved by establishing significant government control over business and labour.

Hmmm a big central government to control business. So sort of like have the government oh i don't know say regulate and cap executive pay, and perhaps, tax business bonuses by 90% to strip them away. Or forcing auto companies to take bailouts.

A further decisive step in the Nazi seizure of power (Gleichschaltung) was the "Enabling Act", which granted the cabinet (and therefore Hitler) legislative powers. The Enabling Act effectively abolished the separation of powers, a principle enshrined in the German Constitution.

Separation of Powers, you don't say. Wouldn't that be um oh Federalism. Which is states rights, judicial restraint, small government and SEPARATION OF POWERS. Sounds pretty conservative. And the fascists wanted a BIG government and merging of powers. Sounds pretty progressive.

Fascist are big police state supporters and favor telling us what we can and can't think. Similar to hate crime legislation. And The fascist believes in controlling what we say, there by possibly eliminating freedom of speech. Fairness doctrine anyone?

So now you have an idea of what fascism is. Now tell me does that sound anything like conservatism? let me remind you of some core conservative values:
~Small government (not a police state or tyranny like Nazi Germany)
~Lower taxes (How do you think Hitler's programs were paid for? High taxes.)
~Free Markets (Not a cooperate state in which the gov't controls business like in Nazi Germany)
~State's right/Separation of Powers (The opposite of fascism)

And to be fair, let's here it from the left:
~Favor a bigger government to regulate and control the economy (like Nazi germany with the press, and Mussolini's Fascist Book which talks about the government controlling business.
~High taxes (Mussolini was a big class warfare guy. And Hitler raised taxes)

So will now, will America's REAL fascists, please stand up.

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