09 October 2009

Drop Bombs And Win The Peace Prize

Well it's official, Barack Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize. Thank God for that. After all he really deserved after all he's done. I mean he has done so much as far as bringing peace, such as.....oh wait that's right. Nothing. He hasn't done a damn thing to bring peace.

In fact just hours after he won, he met (earlier this afternoon) with his war advisers, to talk about sending 6,000 more troops into Afghanistan. A country which he has dropped many bombs on since taking office.

Peace? Right, how is closing GITMO peaceful? Releasing Terrorists and letting skum of the earth killers back out and on the battle field? How is that keeping peace and reducing danger and violence? That's essentially helping Al-Qaida. How peaceful.

Does he deserve this award? Hell no. But on the flip side, to be fair it does look good for our country to have another Peace Prize winner. But seriously the guy talk a big game about peace, and then bombs the hell out of Afghanistan and Send more troops into Iraq. Heck I could talk about Peace, but you don't see anyone handing me the Nobel Peace Prize.


  1. He's done much more than that. You can't deny that he created an aura of change that has been ushered in to our foreign policy. Diplomacy, multi-lateral talks, and a desire to engage the rest of the world are among the greatest. As a result, we've uncovered exactly how much the world has been starving for this change. We're loved and respected again. We're no longer the ass holes. 60,000 more troops was never on the agenda, in fact I haven't seen a number that high ever. There are currently 62,000 troops there and the administration is looking at sending at least 6,000 more. Recent numbers that I've seen (I can't find the article I was looking at) suggest something like 13,000 more if McChrystal gets his way. Anyway, having the respect of the world gives terrorists a lot fewer incentives. But lets not forget how we got into these messes in the first place.

  2. No, no i see your point. but talking about change means nothing. I could talk about something but unless i do it means nothing.

    Now with that said i agree with your last though on the terrorists. I also think that it looks good for the country.

  3. I heard today that Generals are asking for more like 40,000 more at this time. But check this out: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rep-david-r-obey/we-owe-it-to-our-troops-t_b_314321.html

    I work for Obey.
