21 October 2009

Liberal Fascism

In reading a post on RedState.com i came across some excerpts from the book "Liberal Fascism" Here is something to think about:

Citing the program of Mussolini’s Fasci di Combattimento, page 46 looks like a talking points memo e-mailed from the DNC to its’ unholy minions yesterday. Included are, briefly, enactment of a minimum wage, strict regulations on land use, a huge tax on capital, the nationalization of many industries, confiscation of the wealth of the church and on and on. Coincidence? Somehow I don’t think so.

Moving along to page 51, when describing the doctrinal Fascist economics which Mussolini was finally called upon to put on paper, that too had a strangely familiar and contemporary ring. Goldberg states, “…it looked fairly recognizable as just another left-wing campaign to nationalize industry, or regulate it to the point where the distinction was hardly a difference.” Pay close attention to this latter description. It really doesn’t have to meet some lawyerly burden of proof to be a gubmint take-over, it only has to result in ultimate gubmint control. You can call it “a co-op”, “ a single payer system”, “the public option” or “Santa Claus”, but if it results in gubmint control it really doesn’t matter, now does it?

I have said it for a long time. Fascism is not related to conservatism but liberalism. Mussolini's book page speaks for it self. If i didn't know better i would assume it was the Democratic platform. That's exactly what redstate was getting at. Liberals favor a big brother, police state, government run nation that controls the economy, banks, money, jobs, compensation, health care, and polices our thoughts through things like hate crime legislation and separation of church-and-state. This is pure fascism. Any government that seeks Imperial power over territories and have an elite group rule over several territories is a fascist one.

Sentence *Disclaimer*: I am not comparing liberals to Nazism towards jews, but to Hitler political views.*

So given the above, is it any wonder that Hitler proposed the same health care plan as Obama is proposing now? Or How Hitler came to power with huge popularity, huge media coverage and carrying the youth vote? So did Obama. They both came during a crisis and promised change.

Some say Obama is a communist, and libs will deny it. People who think that though, are considered radical right wingers. But it doesn't take a radical to think that at all. Take the time to read Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto and read the section on how to turn a capitalist nation into a communist nation. Then look at what's going on today and tell me Obama is not at least close to a communist.

So what is fascism? Here is the definition:

Fascism is a religion of the state. It assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. It takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, whether by force or through regulation and social pressure. Everything, including the economy and religion, must be aligned with its objectives. Any rival identity is part of the “problem” and therefore defined as the enemy.

"It takes responsibility for all aspects of life including our health... and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action by force or regulation."

Does that sound anything like, mandating everyone by health insurance to take responsibility for health. And to impose it by forcing us to buy it or pay a fine if we don't, and possibly going to jail?


  1. So I suppose every other industrialized nation in the world could also be communist? And a large number of US presidents could be compared to Hitler for their large margins of victory in elections? The earth is a lot like mars in the fact that they are both round.

    And you're ignoring any and all facts concerning the state of our health care system or reasons for why Obama won so heftily in the first place.

    And the individual mandate has and will always be a conservative idea. Individualism and responsibility. Apparently choice and competitive markets are no longer conservative ideals.

  2. I will agree on that last argument, i do believe conservatives have ditched their values for politics.

    Ok, so Obama won largly due to the drive by media, and ACORN's voter registration. And because McCain who should've chosen T-Paw as his vice made a dumb choice and chose Palin.

    The idea was more to show people that although conservatives are commonly labeled as 'fascists' and nazis by liberals, using ideology i showed how the core beliefs of fascism are closer to the core believes or modern liberalism than of conservatism.

    Um wtf are you talkin about? the health insurance mandate is pure liberal. Most conservatives are highly opposed to the mandate. And typically always have been. Now i would like to point out this is more based on ideology more than party. Progressive vs. conservative. Not always Rep v. Dem. Example TDR was hardly conservative. And Nixon proposed universal health care. And Clinton created welfare reform.
