24 October 2009

Liberal Fascism Part 3

Health care is hot topic these days. And any one who opposes Obamacare, is a Nazi.

Or at least they'll be called one. But who is the real Nazi on health care? Who's the fascist, the people who don't want a government run system, the town hall protesters, or the liberal congress? Believe it or not, it is the exact people who are calling other fascists, and nazis who are the real fascists.

It was adolph Hitler who proposed National Health care in Germany and began a government run health plan. Hitler's fascist views involved a big government run health system that included rationing, and death pannels. Now aside from that (although i'm still not fully convinced that Obamacare doesn't have health rationing) the plans are very similar. How similar? Well if they weren't they wouldn't be worth comparing.

FDR was the first president to propose universal health care. Now keep in mind this is a democrat here, and one of the biggest supporters of Social Security, and Government Health care. Hence why those were both included (social security & medicaid & medicare) in the 'New Deal.' Now where did he get these ideas you may ask. Oh from Adolf Hitler himself. Hitler was the big champion of social security in Germany and as i have mentioned above brought national health care to Germany. And now Obama want's to do the same thing to our health care system.

What you mean, national health care was a huge part of the Fascist beliefs? Yes Mussolini was the first to really champion such a system and Hitler's fascist views actually made it law in Germany. The idea of free government run health care was then stolen by FDR and has been a major cause for the Democrats ever since. And it all came, from Fascism.

Democrats, Fascism? Same ideas? No that can't be. Because it's the Republican who are fascist right? >FDR, Obama, Hitler, Mussolini>Same health care plan. FDR, Hitler> Same social security plan.

Another fun note is Hitler's silence of the press. If you reported against the government, you were targeted and arrested. Some what similar to Obama's war on Fox News. So who are the fascists here?


  1. I'm pretty sure that no one has been calling the conservatives nazi's. Look on the news. Come to DC and see the tea party gatherings and people who hold up pictures of Obama as a nazi. This is the conservative attack revolutionized by Karl Rove. There is no substance to this at all. You can compare Obama to whoever you want (just as the conservatives did with the enactment of medicare or any other social program) and all it does is divert from the issue. Trying to argue against an issue by personally attacking the president is somewhat childish.

  2. Look you're not conservative. I've been called a fascist for ever.

    the tea baggers as you f-ed up drones call them are real Americans who want their voices to be heard. And they aren't because the far left (as well as the far right) are so concerned with politics that they don't give a damn. Which is why government isn't the solution to our problem. Government IS the problem.

    Childish huh? Kinda like whining and complaining about a News Station and attacking them because you don't like their opinion shows? And trying to silence any one who doesn't agree with you. And when you feel incompetent with your ability, you start blaming other people for your failures when that person isn't president anymore?

    Or how about spending more time with liberal opinion writers complaining about conservative opinion writers (talk about hypocrisy) then you do with your lead general in Afghanistan?

    See to me, that's childish.

  3. Ya tea baggers are really American. Celebrating stupidity since 2009. What ever happened to having a logical debate? Is mailing tea-bags and yelling at town hall meetings really American? Have you heard what these people say? Screaming socialist or Nazi is the most ridiculous piece of bull you could pull, just like calling conservatives fascist is. It has nothing to do with realist politics. Obama is far more centrist than Bush was and I can show you it on a graph based on his positions. And where were the teabaggers when the Bushies passed the patriot act? or when they raised the cap on debt that the country was allowed to get into 7 times? Or when the national debt first started skyrocketing over the past 4 years? Or when we were lied to as a country? The conservatives complain that we're pointing our fingers, but hell, you put us into this mess in the first place! There's no denying it. Spend more and tax less. Ya, thats the solution. Lets cut off funding for the government, schools, any sort of welfare, medicare, VA programs, social security, defense, any type of regulation that keeps the big boys on wallstreet playing fair, transportation, and infrastructure. Lets let our agriculture industries fail. And you know what, lets not stop there. Lets create a caste system in the United States just to push home the point. Be born rich or die trying.

    If you want to cut the deficit we need to pump money into the country so that people can start working and start paying back taxes in order to lower the national debt, and both Bushes as well as Reagan did none of that. And all the while you accuse us of being tax and spend Dems. If government is the problem why do so many people come into Obey's office begging for money for various projects and earmarks? So much of this country relies on tax dollars that cutting them is suicide. The problem is that the people that come in asking for earmarks or any form of government money is too afraid to stand up for their funding which helps contribute to higher taxes. The other day I was at a research and development caucus and Judy Biggert (R-IL) stood up and praised the stimulus money that has helped our country develop better green technology, medical equipment, and medical research. But the funny thing is that Judy Biggert voted against the stimulus in the first place. These hypocritical republicans love to discuss and work with the Dems while they're on the Hill, but then they go and bash the whole process in front of TV cameras. I've seen it too many times. And you know where most of our tax dollars go? Conservative states. It's ridiculous. Guess who pays the most taxes these days? The Northeastern liberal elite. All to fund some bible-belt state's roads.

  4. American to the teabaggers is buying into cheap talking points and bullshit that the republican machine smear all over the media. Thats not to say the liberals don't do it as well, but there are far more wing-nuts on your side of the spectrum. Conservative evangelicals? Please. And most of the people calling in to scream about government health care are on medicare themselves! Government is the problem? Give me a break. The problem is that the conservative morons ran us into a huge deficit and an economic recession and theres no if, ands, or buts about it. And to top it off they got the rest of the world to hate us. But you expect Obama to magically fix the situation and point the blame at him and attack his character. If you want to make it a debate about people's character, I'll have a field day.

    How about we agree to talk actual politics instead of attacking the character of our countries president? It diverts from the important stuff. And he was elected by the majority and the loud minority needs to suck it up and get over it. Get back to business. Work in Congress. The stupid teabaggers don't understand how the government works. They don't get it. They call about the Health care bill and get confused when I ask which one they're referring to, and the republicans are taking advantage of their ignorance by waiving around ridiculous accusations in th media. Wait till election time and you'll get another chance. The stupid party won't take more than 14 seats.

  5. And you're playing on talking points again. I don't think the WH bashing Fox is smart. However, every administration strategically uses the media, and ignores others. Especially Chicago politicians. No one is trying to silence the media. That's a ridiculous assertion.

    Maybe the problem is a misinformed public. Or a party that can't do anything but cry amongst themselves and call the president a nazi.

  6. What about the liberal drive by media. Where were they on any hot issue that oh well too bad it's not a liberal cause but we should cover it, oh the hell with journalism who needs it? Explain to me how Fox is so right wing bias? and don't give me that ass hole opinion show bull shit. Hannity is as conservative as Olbermann is liberal and you damn well know it.

    I think of the 9/11 truthers and eco freaks, and war protesting libs what you think of the TEA baggers.

    You know what i think. I think in your liberal ways you just can't accept any kind of movement that doesn't agree with your ideas.

    I agree with you on Bush, and believe me i was no supporter of Bush. But ya know why, and this is something you've been avoiding, and left out of your big government, big spend equation on Bush. He was liberal as all get out. Big government scope. Trillions in new spending. 700 million for Medicare or an expansion of entitlements, and 800 billion $$ bailout to restart the welfare state. Not to mention NCLB the largest government school expansion ever. That is pretty damn liberal to me. And his liberal military adventurism and nation building in Iraq.

    Wing nuts on the right? ha, 9/11 truthers who think the govt made 9/11? Van Jones anyone? ACRON? who successfully elected Obama. How about hollywood or the whole god damn liberal media that you deny exists. Admit it, the media was in the tank for Obama. And democrats. today the guy who said republicans want sick people to die (false, and you know who i'm talking about) called this woman a whore. Where are the woman's groups, where is the media. Cause we all know what would happen if a republican said that.

    I agree politics has become to partisan but Obama is like the most partisan president ever. like you point out, polls show that.

    Yep your right the democrats might get 10 seats. but not 14.

    The Americans, informed or not, are in control. Not you not me, as much as we'd like to be and you are in the hot seat in virginias governor race, Rep. leads highly in polls.

    "The problem is that the conservative morons ran us into a huge deficit and an economic recession "
    yup, using liberal policies. For a brief period, i couldn't tell the difference between the parties.

    No one's trying to silence the media? Fairness doctrine?

    "Judy Biggert comment."

    kind of like how Hilliary Clinton praised the war at first, and said it was crucial to go to war. And then just decided to be one of the biggest opponents, when she was probably one of the biggest supporters to begin with. Welcome to politics my, um, friend. You're in washington and you don't get it. sad.

    Yeah the minorities do need to suck it up. Affirmative action is racist.

  7. Whoa Whoa Whoa. First of all, Max, I do get it. I think I'm much more moderate than you think I am, and I can stop playing devil's advocate if it helps.

    With the fairness doctrine just please read the bill. That's all I need to say.

    Give me a country that isn't racist against minorities and I'll fight to take away affirmative action AND gerrymandering. "Learn english!" they say and "I can't! I'm working!" is the reply (but in Spanish of course).

    I will be the first to admit that MSNBC is liberal, as are many more types of media. But the entire argument that there is more liberal media than conservative media is ridiculous and makes no difference. People pick and choose what they want either way, and most will never see another side. And there is no point in trying to argue that Fox isn't conservative... When Obama won the nobel prize they ignored it. When he speaks they cut away to other things. There is a list of examples, etc... etc... But when did I deny that a liberal media exists?

    I can also accept a movement that has legitimacy. Any movement that has some sort of intelligence to it and that knows how to effectively mobilize against government. Interest groups function this way. Now the tea party movement has defied any scrap of intelligence and instead is throwing ad hominem attacks at liberals. No matter what you say you can not be smart and honestly think that Obama is a nazi or that liberals hate this country. That's silly. The same way that "eco-freaks" and 9/11 conspirators are fringe groups, however they have a much smaller following. Also acorn isn't the reason Obama was elected. And look at what % of the educated vote that he won. As well as the wealthy...

    On another note, being liberal or conservative has evolved a lot further than big vs small government. You talk about stealing the agenda of another party, well thats not quite how it works. No child left behind was a shitty piece of legislation and I can assure you that all those liberal teachers unions would be happy to fill you in on just how liberal a policy it is. Reagan, and both Bushes were not running liberal agendas they were furthering conservative ones. It's where the money goes, not how much you spend. Funneling money from the budget into defense instead of investing in green energy, for example. Where are you getting liberal military adventurism from? That's not liberal at all?! The same amount gets spent no matter what, look at the way that appropriations budgets are formed.

    Alan Grayson is one crazy liberal, that's true. However, he called the former lobbyist for Enron and now advisor to Ben Bernanke a whore and then apologized today. It was a mistake, however, listen to the actual radio clip and you will agree with every word he says. He is cosponsoring a bill that republicans are pushing that will audit the federal reserve and made the comment when complaining about its leadership. Grayson's comment was out of line, but his point was on the money populist, and in support of a republican bill. You have to acknowledge the context. And the Dems get hopped on just as much as the Republicans do. The majority party takes a beating every time. Its how the media works.

  8. In defense of those libs in congress that supported Iraq, they were mislead. Everyone in the US was. There were wmd's, we were being threatened, etc... and everyone bought it except me I guess (I gave a speech in 8th grade on why we shouldn't go to war in Iraq 2 weeks before we did lol). However, yes, there is obviously hypocrisy in politics. But you claim its all Dems and I'm pointing out that it's not.

    Furthermore, Obama is not the most partisan president ever... that too is a silly accusation. You say that because of opinion polls or what were you referring to by polls? The party votes show that we've been going more towards partisan extremism, but that doesn't necessarily point to Obama. That's a trend you can trace back 20 years. And you don't need to confirm what I say. I'm taking classes on it in the top ranked DC program the US has to offer. I have the studies right in front of me, and I'm trying to get them onto my computer. I would argue that I do get it, and to combat your argument I can argue a more moderate stance if you like. But watch where you tread when you tell me I'm sad and don't understand politics. That's slightly offensive my friend.

  9. you first denied the liberal drive by media by making comments about the 'conservative or right wing' media.

    Affirmative action is pure racism. Reverse racism cannot solve racism. In fact i think that when people see minorities getting ahead of them when they are un-qualified to, it makes them even more resentful of them. And if undermines the achievements of minorities. I will blog about this later and then if you feel the need we can discuss this further.

    The fairness doctrine is absolute garbage. Period. equal time for both sides? How do you plan to do that without limiting one side to get more time for the other. That is censorship at its worst.

    Alan Grayson said he was sorry but only after he defended his comments. Can you imagine, if Rush had said that? Or any republican? How would the media have covered that?

    Um no Fox covered Obama's nobel prize all day. On every show, that i saw, Beck, O'Reilly (who liked it), The Fox Report, Hannity, News Room.

    Where was MSNBC when ACORN happened? Why didn't they cover the Tea parties? Because it was a vibrant protest that happened to be against democrats. But they covered war protesters, and a global warming protest (during which it snowed ;))

    I agree with democrats on the Iraq war, i am against it. probably for different reasons but do not agree with the war. I am a moderate isolationist on foreign policy, so naturally i think going into another country that does not directly threaten us, and nation building is bull.

    Also only after we moved into Iraq did al-Qaida move there.

  10. Also i too am much more moderate. probably more center right then right wing. You need two wings to fly. Typically conservative on all most all economic issues, but not a big capitalist money freak. In it more for the economy and the best for our country, not the money. On social issues, besides, affirmative action, i am some what liberal.

    Support some form of gay marriage, legalization of drugs, etc. All though i do some times consider myself a 'Federalist.'
