13 October 2009

Don't Be Hatin'

Here is an insightful and enjoyable blog post i read the other day that dives into the tyranny of the hate crimes legislation.

Today, congress voted to expand hate crime legislation to cover gays, lesbians, bisexuals, etc... This is perhaps one of the most devastating pieces of legislation to pass since Obama took office. Congress passed this legislation the day before national coming out day, politicizing the gay rights movement.

What congress did not consider is a strong gay populous that opposes all hate crime legislation, on the basis that it is plain and simple fascist. Now before I am blasted, reprimanded, and expelled for using "the f word," please consider that "fascist" has an educated definition. In this country, we prosecute people for unjust ACTIONS, because the action itself (murder, rape, violence, etc...) is wrong. Period. But fascists take this further. They police and prosecute for their thoughts and beliefs. In Nazi Germany any pro-Jewish person who committed a crime would pay a much greater price than a conformist, or supporter of the status quo. Our free country has never stooped this low. Until today.

Lets say one murders someone who happens to be gay. Before "hate crimes" you would be justly punished and sentenced accordingly for the murder under the rule of law. However this is no longer the case. Your motives are now considered. If you murdered him because he, say stole your money you will receive a regular sentence. BUT if you hate gay people, disagree with gay marriage, or if the crime in ANY way involved his sexual orientation, your sentence will be much greater, as your thoughts and beliefs are now under assault. This is tyranny in its most pure form.

In conclusion, I ask anyone reading this to do one thing. Stand up and defend freedom, the constitution, and due process of law. If anyone tomorrow promotes this new hate crime legislation tomorrow as part of National Coming Out Day, don't let your voice be silenced in vain. An injustice has been done to the American People and to freedom-we must make clear that we will not except this. I fully respect the gay rights movement, and what National Coming Out day means to them, because GSA is standing up for those who have been unfairly silenced because of their sexuality. However, it would be completely hypocritical for us to treat this bill as some virtuous victory for the gay rights movement, as that would be silencing a huge number of gay and straight people alike who oppose this legislation. Don't be Silenced!

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