19 October 2009

TEA Party: Obama Inaug. v 9/12 Project

It is estimated that about two million came to watch President Obama's inauguration. Truly a historic number. The largest crowd for an inauguration ever.


9 months later, on a cool September day, an estimated two million people came to protest the same government it just elected. on Sept. 12 two million people gathered for the "9/12 Project March on Washington" to protest big government, big spending, and taxes.

Not surprisingly, the liberal drive-by media, was no where to be found. In fact the media gave more attention to a couple hundred (like 120) women in pink protesting the war, then two million in the largest protest in U.S. history. Yes even bigger, than the civil rights march, the woman's rights march and the Boston Tea Party.

The millions that cheered for Obama in January, are now part of the largest protest in American history.

~TEA Party: Revolution is Brewing, At a City Near You~

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