29 October 2009

Universal Nightmare: The Co-op Opt Out Plan Tax

Yeah i don't really get what the hell that means either. It is a phrase coined by our esteemed senate majority leader, Sen. Harry Reid (D) Nev.

The new proposal by senator Reid would allow states to opt out of the public option health care plan if they so desired. However, they states, meaning the people of that state would still have to pay the taxes for it. Even though they aren't receiving services.

Here's the other catch, the benefits, won't come for four years. So basically the people pay taxes, for something that won't happen for four years, and for something that they may not even get. So to put this in perspective for you, let's say i have the option to buy some candy at the candy store. But then i decide not to. But i still get charged for something i didn't get. Stupid, pointless.

Possibly the most interesting aspect of this is, is the tax. This is a TAX for health care. A NEW tax. But wait, i though we wouldn't see our taxes go up one dime.

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