25 February 2010

Are you People Really This Stupid?!

This is from CBS today:

“The President often seemed exasperated with Republican arguments,” CBS's Chip Reid empathetically conveyed in reporting on Thursday's health care policy summit before he declared that President Obama had achieved what he needed to accomplish:

Well, he really did, Katie. What he really wanted to do was convince the American people, and more importantly wavering Democrats in Congress, that the Republicans are the party of no. They won't compromise and he now has no choice but to move ahead with Democrats alone."

Really. That's it isn't. The president has no choice but to move on and show the American people that the Republicans are hopeless. Right. Because it just can't be that only about 28% of the American people actually want this legislation or any kind of Obamacare passed. It can't be that about 78& want the house and senate to start over, and scrap this bill all together. 78% are against this monstrosity. 78%!!! 78% are standing with the Republicans and are flipping off Obama.

It isn't that the people are all 'nuts for this bill' and now Obama has to lead them without the Republicans. They don't want this!!!! Look at the polls!!! Listen to them!!! They don't want this!!!

Are you people really this stupid?

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