24 February 2010

Ramblings on Health care Debate

While democrats are hoping for some bipartisan on health care, they know deep down, that aint happening. And it is because of that, they know that reconciliations is there only option left.

Now this is ironic because it is they who were so critical of such tactics for Bush's judicial nominee process.

"I say to my friends on the Republican side: You may own the field right now,But you won't own it forever, and I pray God when the Democrats take back control we don't make the kind of naked power grab you are doing."

Well so much for that. I mean this, do they honestly think- this is not about health care. It is about a power grab. And this is how they will do it. I told you yesterday, one way or another they are going to get this passed. Either through boxcar legislation, or reconciliations, or pole vaulting over the fence, some how, they will pass this.

Look this bill is a piece of crap. Take this post from IBD:

[ The president's plan "puts our budget and economy on a more stable path by reducing the deficit by $100 billion over the next 10 years — and about $1 trillion over the second decade — by cutting government overspending and reining in waste, fraud and abuse," the White House says on its Web site.

Sound too good to be true? It is.

None of the numbers can be believed. The plan is a result of blatantly dishonest accounting for the real costs of the program, while grossly overstating its benefits. Americans should know the actual 10-year cost is closer to $2 trillion over 10 years, not the $950 billion claimed, when all the actual costs are toted up. ]

But uh, back to the uh, the prayers from Joe Biden, they have clearly gone unanswered, but fellow democrats, and even him. Even he is supporting this, closed door meeting style, shut out republicans, 51 vote stuff. So it is typical politics in Washington, complain and bitch while the other party is in control, and claim changes to the system on the campaign, and once you're in don't change a damn thing, but do the exact same thing, only worse.

Washington has not "changed" under this administration. It has only gotten worse.

This health care stuff is so scary, because it is the, it's the best way for government to seize the most power. They drive out private insurance, they begin to sink the free market, they regulate your rights as to doctors plans and costs, they control you, they then move to control who gets care and who doesn't. They could also move to total single payer, where they would then assign doctors to certain places, and if you were one, but not needed they would tell you to move. This is tyranny in its best form. This cannot pass.

"If we lose freedom here there's no place to escape to, this is the last stand on earth."

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