21 February 2010

Regarding The Second Amendment

Here is a write up i did on the second amendment and the right to bare arms:

Today we the people face a serious problem as our freedom and constitution are being destroyed amendment by amendment. Today the problem is guns. or so that is what the government and media want you to think. The problem is most certainly not guns. More guns means less crime. In 1976 Washington D.C. enacted a gun control ban. Between when the law was passed ('76) and 1991 the homicide rate rose by 200% and 12% in the U.S.

Gun Control doesn't solve anything. in fact in more cases than not it makes things worse. Gun Control is just another law to break.

In february of 1994 the "Brady Bill" was passed. This bill made a five business day waiting period to purchase a hand gun AND a background check on the consumer.

Rightly done the Supreme Court ruled this unconstitutional in 1997 saying that it is unlawful for the Federal Government to mandate background checks on gun buyers. I could argue to a gun control liberal who supports this, that the background check is racial profiling.

In December of 1998 A felon ID card was amended to the Brady Bill. During the first 17 months, 13 people were convicted for illegal attempts to buy hand guns. And that right there helps prove a point. Common sense, criminals who already break stealing, murder and the like laws will have no problem breaking a gun control law and the illegal gun rate has infact gone up since the passing of the Brady Bill.

When guns are banned no one wins. The government losses when criminals break their precious law and get a gun illegal and the normal average citizen losses when they are stuck up by a criminal and have no way to defend themselves. Guns do not kill, people kill. from the 50s-60s about 60% of crimes were caused by guns. now two points, this is misleading because in a lot of cases a gun was involved but never fired. in some situations the gun wasn't even loaded. Also the majority of victims in this case did not have guns and no way of defense. Back to the 60%. This sounds very telling that 60% of crimes are due to guns but so what? Would you feel better if they were stabbed to death? Or perhaps, pushed out of a window?

in 1987 Florida instituted a "Right-To-Carry" law. This removed gun limits and control. the results: The state of Florida's homicide rate dropped 35%, and the fire arm homicide rate fell 37%. Since the assault weapon ban in 1993, 9 school shootings have taken place and crime rates have gone up.

Guns are over hyped by the gov't and media. They want us to believe that guns are the biggest threat and killer. did you know that cars kill more people than guns. in 1995 cars killed 43,900 people while guns killed just 1,400. And yet we are still to believe guns take the most lives? Fire arms are the cause for just about 1.7% of all fatal accidents. So 99.3% of all other accidents are due to some other cause. 1.7%. Guns are involved in 1.7% of fatal accidents! 1.7%!!!!

There is no point in banning guns. It is senseless to implement a law to prevent criminals who aren't going to abide by a gun control rule. The people who they are trying to stop break laws. This is just another law they break. And it takes away the right of people to defend themselves making them more vulnerable to guns and criminals.

Gun Rights is based off of the second amendment which gives us the right to have guns:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

Gun control proponents have argued that the use of the word "people" in this Amendment, refers not to the civilian population of the United States, but to the State National Guard Units.

This is incorrect, it is not the word people but militia that you need to look at. the word militia means people.

John Adams, the author of the 2nd amendment argued that a standing federal army could not be capable of conducting a coup to take over the nation. He estimated that based on the country's population at the time, a federal standing army could not field more than 25,000 - 30,000 men. He wrote:

"To these would be opposed a militia amounting to near half a million of citizens with arms in their hands, officered by men chosen from among themselves, fighting for their common liberties, and united and conducted by governments possessing their affections and confidence."

"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."

--John Adams (author of the 2nd amnd.

The second amendment was meant for a free standing united militia of citizens to be able to have guns to protect themselves from harms way. The militia means people, we the people have a right to keep and bear arms and that right, shall NOT be infringed.

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