23 February 2010

You Can Kiss Private Health Insurance Goodbye

Price controls. That is President Obama's newest strategy to stop sky rocketing health care prices. He finally admitted that his bill, that of course he has nothing to do with. Notice how he distances himself away from these bills. He doesn't want to be held responsible for them until, well until they fail and there's nothing we can do about it.

/but the other day he said that the government's new plan, would be to reject any prices that they find, "unreasonable."

So now, how does this tie into to driving out private insurance? Think about this logically. We know that is the ultimate goal. Some how they're gonna get there. They will go with executive order, they'll try reconciliations, they'll try "poll vaulting over the fence" or box car legislation. One way or another, they are going to pass this.

So the goal is a government take over, and a path towards single payer. So single payer means...a single payer. One. The government. No room for private insurance.

So by deeming private insurance "unreasonable" and killing all of its plans and premiums because they are, of course "unreasonable" and thus they run out of plans they can offer, and then they run out all together.

This cannot pass. It can't. Or else that along with a Cadillac tax, and you can kiss private insurance goodbye.

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