08 February 2010

A Road Map For America's Future

I want to ask everyone, to visit the site 'road map for America's future' by rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wi). It is the most, i, i can't even, words cannot describe how brilliant this is. The whole process. The savings, the freedom, all of it. This is how you get a budget surplus. It happened with Clinton in the late 90s, entitlement Reform, and a cut in spending.

This plan essentially privatizes Social Security, it turns medicare into an effective voucher system in which patients are given vouchers equal to the amount of enrollee spending for them to spend on health care.

Um i, i don't want to bore you all with this and of course i cannot begin to go through everything line by line, so um go to this site: http://www.roadmap.republicans.budget.house.gov/plan/

And see for yourself. This guy, i have to tell you, i think this guy, Paul Ryan, is the future, of not just the GOP, but of America.

Here are just a few examples of the proposals but again i encourage you all to go and see it for yourself, it is truly, stunning.

There are several other advantages to this approach:

▫ Universal Access: Everyone, regardless of income, employment, or geography is eligible for the credit. There are no screenings, income-verification tests, or health criteria. Except those receiving Medicare or Tricare, every American citizen with a valid Social Security number may take advantage of the tax credit. Also, because it is refundable, ownership of health insurance is available to every American. The credit also is “advanceable,” enabling individuals to purchase coverage at the beginning of a year, rather than waiting for their tax returns.

▫ Portability. Individuals will be able to take their health insurance from job to job. The choice of physician and insurance plan will belong to the employee, not the employer. This is especially important for younger Americans who change jobs more frequently and are more apt to start their own businesses. It is also an important advantage for individuals with pre-existing health conditions, who may feel less free to change jobs for fear of losing health coverage.

▫ A More Responsive Market. Because current tax law encourages the employer, not the individual, to be the purchaser and owner of health insurance, insurance companies tend to market their products to employers, whose chief concern is keeping operating costs low. Placing those decisions in the hands of individuals and families will encourage insurance companies to offer more variety, higher quality, and more cost-effective plans to meet the needs of their customers.

It also establishes a 'high-risk market pool'.

Federal Tax Reform:

Taxpayers Choice. The proposal allows individual income taxpayers to make their own choice about how best to pay their taxes. Within 10 years of enactment of this legislation, individuals choose one of the two tax systems. But they are allowed one additional changeover between the two systems over the course of their lifetimes. Individuals are also allowed to change tax systems when a major life event (death, divorce, or marriage) alters their tax filing status.

Simplified Income Tax Rates. In contrast to the six tax rates in the current code, the simplified tax has just two rates: 10 percent on adjusted gross income [AGI] (as defined below) up to $100,000 for joint filers, and $50,000 for single filers; and 25 percent on taxable income above these amounts. These tax brackets are adjusted each year by a cost-of-living adjustment as measured by increases in the consumer price index [CPI]. (See Table 7 and Table 8 on the next page for comparisons with current tax brackets.) Taxable income equals gross earnings minus a standard deduction and personal exemption.

Ok, so, but uh, there is much, much more so, check it out, google road map for America's future 2010 or go to the link above and just, wow, it is amazing. This is real change.

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